Source code for sksurgeryspeech.algorithms.voice_recognition_service

Speech API algorithm
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error

import logging
import json
import struct
from datetime import datetime
import pyaudio
import pvporcupine
import speech_recognition as sr
from PySide2.QtCore import QObject, Signal, Slot, QThread, QTimer

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("voice_recognition_logger")

[docs]class VoiceRecognitionService(QObject): """ Voice Recognition service which takes an microphone input and converts it to text by using the Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API. Configuration dictionary must contain the following keys: porcupine dynamic library path: \ Porcupine/lib/<operating_system>/<processor_type>/<library_file> porcupine model file path: \ Porcupine/lib/common/porcupine_params.pv porcupine keyword file(s): \ Porcupine/resources/keyword_files/<operating_system>/<keyword> optional keys: google credentials file: json file with google cloud api credentials recogniser: api to use, options are sphinx, google, google_cloud, \ bing, houdify, ibm, wit sphinx keywords: a list of keywords and sensitivities for sphinx timeout for command: default None """ start_listen = Signal() stop_timer = Signal() google_api_not_understand = Signal() google_api_request_failure = Signal(str) voice_command = Signal(str) start_processing_request = Signal() def __init__(self, config: dict): """ Construct the service. """"Creating Voice Recognition Service") # Need this for SignalInstance super().__init__() self.timeout_for_command = config.get("timeout for command", None) library_path = config.get("porcupine dynamic library path", None) if library_path is None: raise KeyError("Config must contain porcupine dynamic", " library path") model_file_path = config.get("porcupine model file path", None) if model_file_path is None: raise KeyError("Config must contain porcupine model file path") keyword_file_paths = config.get("porcupine keyword file", None) if keyword_file_paths is None: raise KeyError("Config must contain porcupine keyword file") self.recogniser = config.get("recogniser", "sphinx") self.sphinx_keywords = config.get("sphinx keywords", None) self.recognizer = sr.Recognizer() sensitivities = config.get("sensitivities", [1.0]) self.interval = config.get("interval", 10) self.handle = pvporcupine.create( library_path=library_path, model_path=model_file_path, keyword_paths=keyword_file_paths, sensitivities=sensitivities) audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() self.audio_stream = \, channels=1, format=pyaudio.paInt16, input=True, frames_per_buffer=self.handle.frame_length) # this is to add the credentials for the google cloud api # set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS # to the path of your json file with credentials key_file_path = config.get('google credentials file', None) self.credentials = None if key_file_path is not None: with open(key_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: self.credentials = #r aises a ValueError if the credential file isn't a valid json json.loads(self.credentials) # Creating timer later, in the context of the running thread. self.timer = None"Created Voice Recognition Service")
[docs] def run(self): """ Entry point for the QThread which starts the timer to listen in the background """"run method executed") # Creating the timer in the context of the running thread. self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(self.interval) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.listen_for_keyword) self.stop_timer.connect(self.__stop) # start the timer to start the background listening self.timer.start()
[docs] def request_stop(self): """ Called by external client to stop timer. """"Requesting VoiceRecognitionService to stop timer.") self.stop_timer.emit() QThread.msleep(self.interval * 3) while self.timer.isActive(): QThread.msleep(self.interval * 3)"Requested VoiceRecognitionService to stop timer.")
@Slot() def __stop(self):"Stopping VoiceRecognitionService timer.") self.timer.stop() QThread.msleep(self.interval * 3)"Stopped VoiceRecognitionService timer.")
[docs] def listen_for_keyword(self): """ This method is called every 100 milliseconds by the QThread running and listens for the keyword """ pcm = pcm = struct.unpack_from("h" * self.handle.frame_length, pcm) result = self.handle.process(pcm) if result >= 0: # when the keyword gets detected, the user can input a command'[%s] detected keyword', str( self.start_listen.emit() self.listen_to_command()
[docs] def listen_to_command(self): """ This method gets called when a specific command is said. It then listens for specific commands and converts them to QT Signals """ # listen to a single command with sr.Microphone() as source: audio = self.recognizer \ .listen(source, phrase_time_limit=self.timeout_for_command) try: # convert command to string, # this string should later be used to fire a certain GUI command self.start_processing_request.emit() words = self._recognise(audio) self.voice_command.emit(words) except sr.UnknownValueError: self.google_api_not_understand.emit() except sr.RequestError as exception: self.google_api_request_failure.emit(str(exception))
def _recognise(self, audio): words = "" if self.recogniser == "sphinx": words = self.recognizer.recognize_sphinx( audio, keyword_entries=self.sphinx_keywords) elif self.recogniser == "google_cloud": words = self.recognizer.recognize_google_cloud( audio, credentials_json=self.credentials) elif self.recogniser == "google": words = self.recognizer.recognize_google(audio) elif self.recogniser == "bing": raise NotImplementedError( "Key credentials for bing not set up") #something like this, but might need to change credentials #words = self.recognizer.recognize_bing(audio, key=self.credentials) elif self.recogniser == "houndify": raise NotImplementedError( "Key credentials for houndify not set up") #something like this, but might need to change credentials #words = self.recognizer.recognize_houndify( # audio, client_id=self.credentials, # client_key = self.credentials) elif self.recogniser == "ibm": raise NotImplementedError( "Key credentials for ibm not set up") #something like this, but might need to change credentials #words = recognizer.recognize_ibm( # audio, username=notset, password=notset) elif self.recogniser == "wit": raise NotImplementedError( "Key credentials for wit not set up") #something like this, but might need to change credentials #words = self.recognizer.recognize_wit(audio, key=self.credentials) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised recogniser", self.recogniser) return words